Insulation Pin
EP-101 Insulation Pin
Material Specifications :
Base Insulation Pin with Galvanized Steel Plating and Aluminum Material.
Product Features :
- Base Size: 25 x 25mm. Other sizes avaliable by special order.
- Pin Diameter: 1.70mm. Other sizes avaliable by special order.
- Ping Length: 40mm, 50mm, 70mm. Other sizes avaliable by special order.
- Pin Plating: Galvanized costing is standard.
- Washers: self-locking washers are avaliable in a variety of sizes,
shapes and materials.
- Operation at ambient temperatures between 15 and 25¢XC.
- Work surfaces should be cleaned and dried, free of dust, grease,
oil and any other loose matter.
- Place the hanger in the required position and press the base against the
surface to be insulated.
- Insulation can be implated immediately and firmly locked with
fastening clips but maximum
strength of adherence is achieved after 24 hours.